Ted--I was last in France a year before you were. My wife and I spent about 10 days in England, where I purchased an Army & Navy sidelock non ejector 12 boreat a good price. We then took the train through the Chunnel and spent about the same amount of time in France. I probably spent a good hour chatting with the owner of a gun shop in Dijon. He had a plain but nice little Charlin 16 in good shape that I came close to buying. (Hadn't burned through my gun budget in the UK.) I now wish I had. I could have had it for about $8-900, which I thought was a pretty good buy. Called the shop from the States when I got home. The owner was surprised to hear my voice . . . and we were both disappointed that he'd sold the gun before I got in touch with him.

I don't know why the difference in price from St. Etienne to Dijon at about the same time. Maybe because St. Etienne is where most French guns are made. But that almost seems backwards.

Last edited by L. Brown; 03/21/23 04:43 PM.