I have zero idea about reloading but a recent text conversation with a friend of mine in Western India raised a lot of questions.

My friend owns a W R Leeson hammerless 20 gauge boxlock sxs. He has loads of ammo for his 2 1/2 inch chambered gun of the correct length and weight of shot but all in 7 1/2 size. This works perfectly well for his upland bird shooting (poaching while the authorities look the other way, so long as you don’t overdo it and don’t go after “schedule 1” animals and don’t upset local religious or other customs). A few partridges and sandgrouse is acceptable, but a full scale attack is a no no.

[Linked Image from hosting.photobucket.com]
The sort of bag. This one consists of grey partridges and common sandgrouse.

However he has a problem. The 7 1/2 shot is too small for the hares he loves to shoot and which are very plentiful in his area.

He recently sent me the photo below:

[Linked Image from hosting.photobucket.com]

This prompted the following conversation:

[Linked Image from hosting.photobucket.com]

I have no idea if the recipe at the end has any meaning at all. It seems to me to follow the principles of those magical chefs who produce a perfect dish with ingredients put together entirely “by eye”!

I would love to hear your opinions, receive any education to pass on to my friend, and any data or info regarding the above, or if you need any more info.

The one thing going for my friend is that he hasn’t blown himself up! Yet!

Thanks for your help

All the best
