Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
This stuff is hilarious.

Originally Posted by BrentD
Gene, everyone is free to do as he wishes. Back in the day, I paid. But the lack of everything (maintaining the software, keeping it relatively safe, enforcing the rules of conduct that he lays out, etc.), leaves me wondering why I should continue to pay. I prefer not to reward him for doing nothing. That's all. If the local shop won't update their equipment to service vehicles, I'm not likely to pay them to maintain my truck, no matter how nice and hard working and knowledgeable they might be. This, of course, is not a very nice place, the tools are antiquated at best, and may even be a security risk to the users.

You wouldn't pay that local shop to work on your truck, but I guess you would hang around that shop all day, and use their tools and lifts, without donatinug them a dime, eh? Same thing as what you do here. You're posting on here nearly every day.

And, a security risk? You certainly wouldn't pay to be on a site with security risks. Me neither, if I believed that. But, I sure wouldn't be here everyday using it for free. Does not donating somehow lessen your "security risks" here? Hah, what a joke.

Your best avenue, if you really believed all the crap you posted above, would be to just stay the hell away. Anybody with half a brain would.

I'm so glad to see you are reading and enjoying my posts, Stan. You had claimed you were blocking me and could not read them. Apparently, not so, but I'm not surprised. Hypocrisy fits you apparently.

And, yes if a shop owner was okay with my using his equipment for free, I might very well do so. That would be HIS call, not yours. You seem to like to stick your nose into places it doesn't belong. What business would it be of yours, and what business of yours is it that I do not pay Dave? Isn't that Dave's issue to settle?

Maybe you should go back to adjudicating the shooting of dragonflies. Your arguments were even more hypocritical there.

Dave makes a few dimes from a few folks for doing not much of anything. He doesn't even contribute content. He relies on everyone else contributing it for free, and then wants them to pay to read it. Pretty cool business model when it works. I'll not play along, thank you, until he invests a little more in infrastructure upkeep.

Now back to the dragonfly wars, my little bulldog and busybody.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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