Brian, I am glad for you recovery, even if incomplete. Hope the thief gets real time and ordered to pay restitution for your stock blank. You can be happy that you helped take him out of a place where he could steal again. Wonder if they might also look at any federal gun laws he broke for stealing your gun in shipment? Federal time might be much greater than a state charge. Still glad you will get your gun back in time.

All these shipping companies are self insured on shipping insurance with a blanket super policy for anything major I am sure. So their first line of defense against any claim is to make the claim as cumbersome as possible. Second line is to “review” which is just a delaying tactic, then deny any they think they have any possible pretense for and then delay and deny until the vast majority get frustrated or tired enough to just go away. Most claims are too low to justify a lawyer as being cost effective and they know it. What they don’t like is when a proactive LEO or state AG takes an interest. They seem to not want their attention drawn to their actions.