Originally Posted by waterman
Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
Originally Posted by waterman
Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
If that false muzzle is meant to start a groove diameter bullet and engrave the rifling, do you have a leveled bullet starter? They don't seat by popping a push starter with your palm.

I have 2 false-muzzle rifles. Both false muzzles are smooth bored groove diameter deep enough to seat a groove-diameter bullet, either patched or lubed, with your fingers. But both my false muzzles are made to allow the bullet seater guide to slide over the false muzzle, keeping things aligned. Vall didn't show us the starter part of his false muzzle.

I have 1 such rifle. It is smooth at the mouth, but rifled where it meets the muzzle. It has a fitted plunger seater. It takes an excessive amount of pounding to seat a patched bullet. My palm would be sorely bruised if I tried to seat more than one. My bullets are 514 gr and 16:1.

IIRC, Pope (and maybe others) made a bullet starter that had dual levers, like one of those gizmos used to pull corks from wine bottles, only with the linkage reversed. Repeated poundings would not improve accuracy. I think that is what Brent was referencing.

Yes, that's exactly what I was referencing.

I'm not sure if Pope made the dual lever starters, but there was another guy that was rather famous for them along with finding ways to retrofit a rifle with a rifled, false muzzle and starter. His name is eluding me at the moment. Mine was built as a false rifle muzzle from the beginning by Bobby Hoyt using Pope styled rifling. But I did not go the levered seater route because I wrongly thought I could pushing one down without applying egregious beatings to my rifle. I was wrong about that, but now I use bore diameter bullets and shoot the rifle at long range.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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