You better get a lot better at "spinning" the facts if you want to be a player in this discussion. You either don't care what the truth is or you hope I don't know what it is.

Here it is. The breakdown on how much Farm Bill money goes to support our cheap food. The blue part of the pie is for welfare "food stamp" programs. About another 7% goes to fund CRP programs that non-farmer hunters rave over. Most of the rest goes to help keep ingrates like you, and even those DO who understand, have cheap food.

"The free market approach would be to eliminate the subsidies altogether, and let the farms compete on their own."

Right. Competing with other farms is not a problem. I'd welcome that. We'd ALL welcome that. What we SHOULDN''T have to compete with is the government, when they decide to use commodities as a political tool against other countries. Ya' know ....... (unilateral) em-bar-goes?

May God bless America and those who defend her.