I’m curious as to what you are thinking makes a “beginners” O/U? Are you thinking low cost? Single trigger? Pistol grip? Something else?

While prices have come up over the last few years, the older Beretta Silver Snipes that were imported to the US in the 50s and 60s might be a good place to start. The were a base S55 model Beretta, gussied up for the US market, with things the importer thought would make them sell here. The trigger is usually non selective, they usually have a ventilated rib, and are either 12 or 20 gauge. There are exceptions. Prices for 12s hover between $500 to $1K.My dad’s copy has been in my custody since 2009, and we used it a lot prior to that. He bought it with a
re-enlistment bonus in 1964. It did break a firing pin in the lower barrel about 1970, Ahlman’s had them on the shelf, and fixed it in about 20 minutes, and sold us a spare that I still have. Mine really only sees use for late season pheasants, when the cold forces me to a single trigger gun. But, I try to use it every year for that, and there are many memories with that old gun.

They have always been a bit “under the radar” compared to more popular versions of O/U guns, but, have been a sound buy since they were introduced.

Good luck in your quest.
