Originally Posted by HistoricBore
I'm a friend, really....

I also had a free ticket option plus a free ride there in a Rang Rover, but decided not to go. I doubt that I will ever buy a new shotgun now, and whilst the 'lead ban' issue is still hanging over us like the Sword of Damocles then I am buying nothing significant, except bismuth cartridges.


I dislike the prospect of a lead ban as much as the next man (especially if the next man hates it), but I am told that it need not be a great practical concern in the shotgun world.
I've seen no evidence myself (and if there actually is some evidence, please point me to it) that standard-pressure steel loads harm nitro-proofed barrels, especially if "eco-friendly" cup wads are used.
And for those still anxious about steel, or with BP guns, the least expensive non-steel substitute for lead, Bioammo's proprietary alloy, has a hardness mid-way between standard lead and nickel-plated lead shot. Regrettably, it isn't available on its own for ML use or cartridge-loading (except, so they tell me, by the ton!)