Originally Posted by ClapperZapper
....When visiting a clays ground in a metro area, if you see a younger person, they are of means typically.

So, I’m thinking that the soaring cost of participation has reduced younger participation in the clay sports in this region.

It may not be that way everywhere.

For reference, a non member line of skeet (25 targets) is $5.00, and a box of 20 gauge skeet loads is $10.99 around here.
So, $16.00/line.
That is a 300% increase over 15 years.

Weighing enjoyment/$, there are all kinds of alternatives available.
And, the cost of the cheap stuff is driving new shooters away? Plus, the march towards three plus dollars a shot is inevitable?

I think many of us can remember a red rider being the best thing ever, point being, there is no conceivable connection to good doubles. I think, know, the next classic and antique enthusiasts are shooting their red riders today, and they look like Glocks and tactical ARs. A few kids will grow up and think, why not pay for a quality double, they've already put a small fortune into trendy things that go bang.

A few of the smart kids will think less of ole papa for letting some great, uniquely American traditions become so eroded. Hey gramps, it's okay, you can keep yourbiden baseball cap, but wanna go out for some rare steak with bacon lunch, my treat.