Imaging things? Please elaborate. How and what do I image? If you meant to say "imagining" then you're also mistaken. Many, many, reloaders here bear out my statement.

My response had nothing to do with YOU, and everything to do with your statement. You said:

Originally Posted by ClapperZapper
So we might have to accept a certain level of poor service, or do without.

Note carefully your use of the word "we", CZ. You propose to speak for all of the members here. The many reloaders on this board have no intention of doing without, and prove it every time they load a box of non-tox, low pressure shells. I shall now use your own words in an effort to help you see your error because, evidently, "you haven't a clue about what we want, or what we do".

May God bless America and those who defend her.