Arghhh. I tried.
Here's some low-lights of the linked previous thread, which discusses the issue of where lead goes when deposited in water

1. There is bad science...falsified "science" (which always gets exposed eventually)...and good science
2. Good science withstands critical review and repetition of studies over time
3. IMHO is it highly inappropriate, when we don't like a study, to declare that the researchers are corrupt and compromised. Concern about lead toxicity started in the 60s and was driven by professional wildlife biologists. The professionals I met in Kansas and Missouri were, IMHO, sincerely driven by the best science available (which we all understand changes over time) and, despite resistance from governmental, commercial, "greens", and private landowner interests, obviously with other agendas, tried to do what was best for fish & game, and IMHO were certainly NOT anti-hunting. In retrospect, certainly decisions made by "the management" often turned out to be mistakes.
4. Those of us who have been in academia understand:
a. Your future advancement depends on publishing
b. Your future advancement depends on receiving grants
c. Unless in the sound chamber of woke liberal arts, where your future advancement is in not rocking the boat with reality orientation, much of what you do is prove that other researchers were wrong.
5. So if we don't like a study, please critically analyze the study. Don't impugn the integrity of the professional wildlife biologists and researchers. If they are crooked, or wrong, it will eventually be exposed.

Cue the personal attacks, obligatory rant and locking the thread smile I'm sure Fauci and the evil FDA - AMA - Big Pharma triad can be worked in somehow wink