Originally Posted by Drew Hause
....I have no idea the point you are trying to make with this (link to the abstract).
The purpose of the study was to investigate the use of fecal sampling to avoid having to catch and draw blood from free flying eagles. Are you saying that the study was retracted, or proved to have been falsified?
Have you found any study regarding lead in waterfowl, raptors or condors that was retracted or proven to have been falsified?....
Hi Doc Drew,

I plucked this out of the middle of your comment for no particular reason, and I realize your point was about retraction of scientific merit. Are these the types of supporting scientific studies use to make political lead firearm projectile ban policy?

Most definitely correct me if I'm wrong, but the source of the lead in these particular eagles is not cited?

Many anti lead advocates here have anecdotes to pass along. How about a snap pole, anyone notice any green butt holed ducks? How about up around the potholes where I suspect lead shot and projectiles are frequestly used around nesting grounds? How about dead eagles, when we are out in our haunts, how many sick and dead ones have we seen? I've stumbled on one dead Bald, over a good few decades and foot miles. How it got that way, I don't know, and I don't know why I couldn't have taken a few flight feathers, as that fellow had no further use for them.