craig are you saying that the hundreds of documented dead eagles, photographed, autopsied, and confirmed to have died of lead poisoning are all a hoax? Just curious what you are claiming is a hoax.

There are tons of data on the effect of lead on waterfowl populations. I'm unaware of any such study that has been retracted but there are many, many such studies. I've posted many of them here in the past, and , of course, you and Stan, etc. simply claim it is all a hoax and conspiracy without a shred of evidence to the back that up. We've been down that road many times.

Personally, I don't worry about lead poisoning in bald eagles now that waterfowl have been been protected. Eagles may die, and die in substantial numbers, but their populations continue to expand. As far as I'm concerned it is a population-level problem, or it's not a problem. For waterfowl it was a problem and that has been evaluated many, many times. So, go do your homework to dispute them all. It might take you a week or two... laugh laugh

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

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