Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
Tell me more about the proliferation of garbage in peer reviewed publications. What, in your opinion, is this garbage and which publications? I posted one above - neither you nor anyone else wanted to comment on that. Fine, but if you are claiming it is garbage - prove it....

...If you attack science as false, and you have, it should be very easy to disprove it....
You're in the thick of these publications, you must be familiar with the peer review in question. Does the content of your character matter, regarding the credibility of a publication?

Why question a publication, you have patent nonanswers, why attack your version of science, you have obvious nonanswers. Here's a thought, you are the problem. If you are right, answer the questions that you make fun of and talk down to, or don't. Thank you for showing what to expect of the next generation of "ecologists", equity, diversity and inclusivity, core tenets per the website, huh Brent.