It's a shame the Preacher had to leave for another long weekend trip to Guatemala, and such a waste too. The way the anti-gun false president Joe Biden is criminally obstructing justice by preventing the Border Patrol from enforcing Federal Law, most of the population of Central America should be right here in the U.S. pretty soon.

Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
No, I make fun of you for being such a dolt. .

But if Preacher was here, I'm sure he would be sternly lecturing the Nutty Professor about personal attacks and name calling, all while posting under an anonymous screen name. Actually, no, he wouldn't... because only Conservatives are subject to those types of pious hand wringing lectures from the Preacher... and the other Manners Police.

In my last post, I made the silly mistake of assuming that the Preacher could connect the dots that I laid out for him. I hoped he'd actually read the research paper from Iowa State, instead of not looking past the Abstract. I specifically noted that a major finding from that study was that it recognized metallic chunks of lead such as shot pose far less risk to birds than other more bioavailable sources such as lead dust, paint chips, pesticides and chemicals, etc. If ingested, they typically pass before any significant amount can be absorbed into the system.

Unfortunately, our so-called scientists who keep demanding "science" which opposes the agenda driven anti-lead ammunition position, refuse to even look at it when it is given to them. I also provided the link to the "Hunt For" website that is a convenient resource with links to a large number of research papers that confirm lead ammunition is actually one of the more minor sources of lead exposure in birds and animals. But they don't even care to look. I repeat the same questions about wide disparities in lethal doses of lead and the eagle that had a blood lead level so far beyond a fatal dose that it couldn't be measured, not because I expect them to acknowledge that the science behind it must be junk. I repeat it to show they don't have the stones to admit they are wrong.

[Linked Image from]

That's why I chuckled at the long response made by Old Colonel. I read all of it. But it was a total waste of time if he actually thinks that any of it made an impression on the Preacher, the Nutty Professor, or LGF. They have made up their minds that lead ammunition is a real serious problem that needs to be severely restricted or eliminated entirely... and nobody with opposing views or facts is worthy of even stating them or pointing out obvious errors. They say better alternatives are out there, and insist exorbitant costs and limited availability are non-issues. Some actually think that increased demand for an inferior product will lower ammo costs if lead ammo is banned.

Originally Posted by LGF
As scientists, Brent and I deal in testable hypotheses and provable fact, the very opposite of opinion. Emotion based opinion is your contemptuous dismissal of any science which inconveniences you.

Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
craig, you don't understand up from down.

Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
Science is definitely over your head, craig. Rational thought, in general, is too much of a reach. But continue on. I want to hear more of your expertise on this matter. It's greatly entertaining.

Originally Posted by Drew Hause
It is my hope that in future discussions we can avoid dismissing 60 years of research with "the science sucks"; which IMHO just makes us look foolish.

The arrogance of these guys is astounding! How dare we mere mortals question their collective brilliance? Well actually, if you look at the overall record of the accuracy of Science researchers, it is foolish and irresponsible to not question them... and their frequently erroneous results. The number of times that scientists and researchers has been dead wrong throughout history is huge, and that number continues to grow. And as we've seen with the Covid19 pandemic, contrarian views that turned out to be 100% correct were ridiculed, demonized, and even censored by so-called experts who were wrong. Another long held view held up as Gospel by researchers was that the Toba Supervolcano eruption 74,000 years ago left humans on the brink of extinction with only a few thousand left alive. Now it has become apparent that was a gross exaggeration of the truth, and unassailable "science" has been proven wrong again. In large part, we should trust science. Science properly applied has been invaluable to humanity... but Science and Scientists are two very different things. We should be very leery of trusting many scientists.... especially those with hidden agendas, and egotistical narcissists who think their thoughts and findings are beyond reproach, criticism, or doubt.

The post by Ian Forrester with the link showing how lead isotope analysis revealed that "the high lead levels in a young bald eagle were associated with lead paint, lead in gasoline and lead smelting and not with lead ammunition", was predictably ridiculed by the Nutty Professor. He actually questioned whether juvenile bald eagles were guzzling leaded gasoline, and apparently thinks that the millions of tons of lead that was deposited into the environment by the burning of tetraethyl lead gas has simply disappeared. This is someone who actually feels he is brighter than any of us.

However, you have to remember that many researchers hang their hat on lead isotope analysis, and attempt to use it as proof positive that sick birds are dying from spent lead ammunition. The problem is that there are four stable isotopes of lead, and supposedly the ratio of them can pinpoint the source of any sample of lead. That sounds good until you understand that lead is one of the most recycled metals there is, and isotope analysis is all but worthless unless you are testing virgin lead. Once scrap lead from various sources such as batteries, flashing, pipes, etc. has been mixed, isotope analysis loses all accuracy. Also, lead mines and smelters supplied metal to many different end users. So to test a sample using isotope analysis and say with certainty that it came from shot or bullets is often virtually impossible.

Those of us who fish and eat what we catch are certainly aware of the warnings about lead or mercury contamination in fish in certain waterways. The vast majority of the lead came not from lead shot, bullets, or fishing sinkers, but from chemicals and industrial sources such as tetraethyl lead, paint residues, and pesticides. For us, eating occasional fish meals that contain trace amounts of lead will never cause problems. But fish is the number one food source for bald eagles. A real scientists would know that, and would question why so much research focuses upon our ammunition. We aren't going to change the Nutty Professor's mind. But the longer this goes on, the more we can see all his crying about how much more civil and nice it is on the Upland Journal forum is nothing but phony bullshit.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.