I just got off the phone with George (G. Newbern "Geo") and he had some terrible news.  His 12 year old pointing Labrador, Stella, was killed when a large pine toppled on top of her when Valdosta was squarely hit by Idalia.  One of his sons was able to reach the kennel; neither George nor Emily could make it through the debris field.  Stella was still alive, pinned underneath the massive tree and the only thing that could be done was for his son to put her down with a revolver.  He couldn't leave her under the tree with these conditions.  Most likely she would have died from crush injuries which instantly kill when the crushing object is removed from the body.  George said his yard looks like a lumberyard with felled trees that crushed his garage and damaged his roof. Power has not been restored to his neighborhood.   Valdosta (Lowndes County) was one of the two Georgia counties with the worst damage as Valdosta sits just above the line with Florida.   There was nothing to be said to him to make any of this better.  Gil