Originally Posted by Buzz
Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
He really did do that. And he was really an embarrassment to his brother.

And equally so, Billy's brother Jimmy was an embarrassment to right thinking Georgians. A Christian man, from what I've heard, but terribly inept and mis-guided. I rank him with Obama.
But what about your fondness for Billy and Billy Beer?

Knowing who you take your cues from, and that you parrot everything he says and does, shadowing him like a little puppy, that question is par for the course.

I'm not a beer drinker of any brand, and never had any use for Jimmy's brother. Was my statement above, where I said "equally so", worded too complex for you, buzz (li'l jOe)?

May God bless America and those who defend her.