Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
….Maybe we will replace the current generation of spray and pray shooters and instead develop a generation of marksman.
And that would be a fool’s comfort pony. Tomorrow’s antique single shot depositor of toxic lead into our hillsides is shooting ARs and Glocks today. But, I have a great idea, price the spray and prayers out of the passion, before they blow up weapons of war in their faces.

Fact, thefool you voted for has no clue he has appointed policy makers that’re on a mission to price the shooting sports out of the reach of jo average and their children. If any kid told me, hey there’s a prof who has these marksmanship classes, they’d know in no uncertain terms, not to be fooled by a lefty trying to stamp out the last flickers of marksmanship traditions. Grab ‘em young, and finish them off in college eh prof?