Originally Posted by L. Brown
I just saw Russian made shotgun shells for sale locally. So obviously, all components are not going to either of the wars . . . Ukraine or Israel.
I'd be leery about putting anything "Russian" in a shotgun of mine Larry. The thought of the Russians making ammunition and sending it our way is a bit scary to me. I think I'll stick with the high American prices. LOL.................. Wonko mentioned that he would like to know why the high prices of ammo. When primers were really in short supply and I was calling around the country asking why primers were so hard to get, almost everyone told me the same thing-- that they were making primers for where the money was going. And that was to the handgun and rifle crowd who were reloading. Because more people were reloading rifle and handgun ammo than those who were reloading shotguns. I don't know if that was true or not, but that is the answer I got from just about everyone around the country. I mentioned in another thread, that supposedly, Winchester is increasing 209 production, now and guys were paying in the neighborhood of $70.00 per 1000. I read it on the trapshooting board. So, we'll have to see about that.

Last edited by Jimmy W; 10/11/23 09:37 AM.