Yes, the data is there... however...

There has not been International or Universal available for years, and they may never be available.

What is needed is data on available powders for these loads.

The company that contracts to have this stuff made so they can overcharge for it (I hate to even use their name) COULD (if they wanted to sell to the vanishingly small market that would apply it as such) develop short shell loads for the products they do still sell (on occasion when the stars align and some of it dribbles in).

There are many other powders that have a similar burning rate to Universal and International that these profiteers do sell. 231, WST, Accurate #2, 244 to name them. It would seem that 2 1/2" loads could be developed for them but it would require some effort and expense. Another candidate for load development would be their new offering, obviously named by Commander McBragg, 'Perfect pattern".

Should an independent entity take on this project the list of candidates expands slightly to the offerings of the other American vendor who seems intent upon bankrupting their loyal customers.

I don't expect any of this to happen.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble