anyway, this goes back about 50 years or so i will try to remember it as best i can...but pls dont fault me, if i dont get every little detail right...

it was early in the morning of a cool summer day, which means it was most likely late in an ma was settled in an snoozin away, when all of a sudden...

ah hears this sound, that makes me think that ma might be catchin ah cold due to the cool weather an such...

but then ah realize that the snorin sound was comin from the outside, in the big oak in the back yard...

so ah throws open the sash...

and what to my wonder do i see, but...

the biggest damned owl ever...

ah mean like damn near three feet long, jes sittin there, with its fedders awl puffed up an awl...

well, now even ah knows that owls are vicious grouse killers that can wipe out ah whole flock of erm in a single night...

yah see...grouse like to roost in conifers...for you boys in se jawja, thems pine trees...

anyways, so what some times happens, is an owl swoops in silent an grabs ah sleepin bird, wid out disturbin the udders, an flys off silent, an then proceeds to eat just the brain, droppin the rest of the bird to the ground...

and then the murderin so an so, swoops in silent an grabs anudder sleepin bird an so on, an so on, until hes killed every damn one of erm...

once, when out bird huntin one frosty mornin in se ny state, i came upon ah scene of absolute horror...

there, scattered around a big norway spruce, were seven dead grouse...

all undisturbed, cept they were all dead an all missin their heads...

owls are sometimes called silent death for good reason...

so bein the good citizen an conservationist that i am, ah quickly reached under the bed an retrieved my trusty model 12, equipped with poychoke and drew ah bead on that murderin so an so...

an jes before i pulled the trigger...

hit looks me in the eye an mudders...

buenos dias, senor...

well, ah swan...

ah aint neva heared no bird, cept mebbe ah crow or ah parrot talk like that...

need less to say...

but ah will hit any hows...

ah was takin ah back...

an then bout this time ma wakes up an ax...

who you talkin to out the winder?...

so, what am i gonna say?..

so i tells the truth...

hit aint nobody, ah says to ma, jest sum damn owl tellin me to have ah nice day...

wid that she shakes her head an rolls over an goes back to sleep...

so, ah casually peeks out the winder agin...

an yep, you guessed hit...

hit was still there, big as brass...

an this time hit looks me straight into my eyes, like nuttin ah ever seen before...

an ah swear, hit was smilin...

course, you probaby askin, how can an owl smile?

well, ah dont rightly know needer...

nor do ah wanna know cause that aint the point o this story...

which i am yet to fully decide on any how...

to be continyaed...

Last edited by ed good; 11/12/23 09:03 PM.

keep it simple and keep it safe...