Originally Posted by Argo44
....The first question is "Can you deploy/draw your gun in an emergency?" Most couldn't find it let alone put off the safety (safety is not a problem with a Glock). And under stress most couldn't hit a target the size of a door at 8 feet with a handgun....

....I've never carried in the USA. Never will (except if I'm hiking in Alaska and that would be with a Remington 870 Marine Magnum with deep penetrating slug that I'm not even sure I could get off in the 3 seconds I have facing a grizzly charge)....
I couldn't help but smile, take the Glock?

The summer before this past, there were two grizzly attack fatalities near Yellowstone. One, retiree campers reportedly yelled at and threw things at one, while it dragged off a female from her tent. The other was an experienced guide, recreational fly fishing. I've done a good bit of hunting for Huns about thirty-five miles from those maulings. Moral of the story, never set foot in Portland, Seattle, LA, Chicago, and on and on.

Last edited by craigd; 11/15/23 12:02 AM. Reason: spel’in