This is nothing new Jimmy. Anti-gun Democrats have been attempting to pass Universal Background Checks and mandatory FFL Transfers for all firearms transactions for years.

These initiatives are pushed by Anti-gun Democrat politicians like Joe Biden and Anti-gun organizations like Everytown USA. They say they want to impose these laws to close the so-called Gun Show loophole because under current laws in most states, private sellers at Gun Shows can sell a gun to any law abiding buyer of legal age without an NICS Background Check or having the transfer done by an FFL, and subsequently entered into that FFL's Bound Ledger Book. In order to push these initiatives, they will say anything to gin up fear, and make wild claims such as that people are buying full-auto machine guns and bazookas without any restrictions.

Those of us who oppose this recognize that it is a thinly veiled attempt to impose an illegal National Gun Registry. This would affect every single transfer of any firearm. If it ever passed, you could not buy or sell a gun to or from a friend, neighbor, or relative without going through a Background Check and FFL Transfer. You could not legally give your own son, daughter, or grandchild one of your guns without going through the same NICS Check and FFL Transfer process. And of course, every transfer would cost you both time and money. In my area, FFL Transfers typically cost between $25.00 and $50.00 per gun. That amount may not mean much when purchasing a very expensive gun, but it really adds up when gifting your grandson an inexpensive shotgun or rifle, or when selling a collection or leaving it to your heirs.

So far, Federal Law prohibits a Universal Gun Registry, which is another goal of the anti-gun Democrats. They want to know who owns each and every firearm in the U.S. The records kept by FFL's in their bound ledger books are supposed to remain with them until they go out of business. Unfortunately, Anti-gun Democrats have been forcing a large number of FFL's out of business for even the most minor and unintentional record-keeping mistakes. Under Democrat Bill Clinton, 270,000 FFLs were reduced to 90,000. And FFL revocations are up 500% since Biden took office. As we have seen here, FFL's have had their Bound Ledger Books illegally photographed or otherwise copied by Federal Agents during routine inspections. Of course, every country that has imposed gun bans and buyback schemes started out with a Firearms Registry, so they already knew who had the guns. The only reason that guys here are now able to get some good buys on quality British Doubles, even including high import costs, is because British gun owners are selling them cheap due to onerous costs and regulations. In the past year, the Liberal Left has eliminated the right of Canadians to buy, sell, or transfer any handgun. They will never stop.

The NRA has been very effective in opposing these new anti-gun laws, and in keeping gun owners informed about the threats. Of course, the very best way to keep it from happening is to know who is against you and your guns, and simply do not vote for the Anti-gun Democrats who wish to take away your 2nd Amendment Rights. Unfortunately, there are a number of guys right here who oppose any effort to ever have Threads that keep us informed about the unrelenting efforts by Anti-gunners to slowly end our rights to shoot, hunt, and own firearms. I have little doubt that some here will be trying to disrupt this Thread, or to get Dave to lock or delete it.

Any gun owner who supports and votes for an Anti-gun Democrat like Joe Biden is about as dumb as a chicken who would vote for Colonel Sanders.

[Linked Image from]

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.