Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
Originally Posted by Ted Schefelbein
Do you always shoot the messenger?

Asking for a friend. Or three.


Why don't you just admit, you really don't know much about Merkels (etc.)?

You really want to tell someone that owns one, what it looks like? Grow up.

And now you upset The Fuse, and he is probably having a terrible morning after having to look at a Teutonic shotgun again, especially that one.

This, after I posted an example of EXACTLY what I was talking about? Really? Scientific method much?

Hey, word has it there is a recently retired professor that believes there isn’t enough grit for ruffed grouse to eat. Bet he wears lederhosen when he hunts.

In northern Minnesota.

We should commission a study to find out!


Probably climate change. Or, you know, Trump.