I feel that I should add some further information regarding the post by Johnfromuk regarding Clock Dial filling Wax. This product would not be suitable for filling gun engraving for the following reasons:- It is not really Wax it is just given that name by tradition. You will find that the stick is as hard as a brick though it is black. The filling wax requires a lo of heat to get it to flow over hot metal. when it is melted it will stick to what it is applied to and requires heat and the an abrasive to remove it level with the metals surface. It is good for what it was designed for, the filling of Brass engraved clock faces before Silvering this being another very interesting way of applying Silver on a clock dial.
Besides my interest in guns my other passion is building and restoring Antique clocks, I can only describe this filling wax as akin to sealing wax though it is a mixture of Shellac a black pigment, though a lot of clock restorers do like to use melted Shellac 78 rpm records melted into sticks because it is basically the same thing though when re melted on the Clock dial engraving the record shellac looks more the part om an old clock.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!