Originally Posted by John Roberts
Just an fyi Fudd, but Morris Hallowell is a weird duck. He comes up with some interesting stuff, but talking to him is like talking to a Martian. Y'all don't tell him I said that.

Merci. Timing is everything. I was just contemplating mailing him to tell him that the hive mind here had pretty well established that the thing started out as a bog-standard, commercial-for-rebadging, in-the-white BSA, and linking to this thread. I'll now put the brakes on that, lest he excoriate and ablate us for obscuring his view of Venus.

I irregularly look at his offerings just to see what he's got, sort of the way I used to read the Eaton's Christmas catalogue when it arrived every November when I was less than four feet tall. I've never met the man nor spoken to him, but based on his ad copy, he seems to be a member of the "True Enthusiast" subcategory of humanity. I know a few of those, might in fact be one, and I tend to look upon them kindly. I enjoy looking at what he's got up for sale, and reading his descriptions.

I still really like that shotgun. Hrm. Perhaps I should make him an offer in original series Star Trek credits. "Please ship via transporter."

Last edited by Fudd; 01/10/24 08:27 PM. Reason: I cannot type to save my life.