Originally Posted by Parabola
In rifle shooting “point blank range” is generally taken to be the maximum range at which a shot can be taken using the sight setting without adjusting or allowing up or down for drop.

It is dependent on calibre, quarry and kill zone size.

Taking plus or minus 1 1/2 inches deviation above or below line of sight as acceptable this gives .22 Long Rifle a point blank range of about 60 yards, and most deer rifles a point blank range of 225 yards or thereabouts,
Thank you for pointing this out!! That is exactly what I said: "without adjusting or allowing up or down for drop" which means: ZERO ELEVATION. So, I still believe that the term (of this one particular gun in question) PITCH POINT BLANK means that the rib of the gun is 90 degrees from the end of the buttstock where the pad is placed on. And that creates ZERO ELEVATION. Someone like a coroner or law enforcement will use the layman's term" POINT BLANK RANGE" very close or zero feet. Or close enough to leave powder stains, no matter what type of gun was used. Sorry again for the confusion.

Last edited by Jimmy W; 01/20/24 03:16 PM.