I find that people that disparage drillings most often either don't have much experience with them or the experience they do have is with one that is poorly thought out. Often, one chambered in 12x12x30-06 is erroneously regarded as the most appropriate, and then often with too long barrels. Such a drilling will be too heavy and unhandy. A 16x16x one of the rimmed 57mm long cartridges is much more appropriate, especially if it has 60mm to no more than 65mm long barrels. In addition, it should be scoped in claw mounts to be useful. After the scope, a 22 LR or mag. insert barrel and quick shortening sling are handy additions. Where I live, deer, bobcat, racoon, opossum, beaver, fox, coyote, otter, ground hog, Ferrel hog, rabbit, squirrel, quail, crow, and dove are in overlapping seasons. I have often gone deer hunting and come home with something else.