Originally Posted by mc
Well Ted I didn't have the entire story my fault for not reading your entire post ,my 50 lb engravers block with lead jaws sits on a rubber tire on wood stand on a 2 inch thick wood bench I push grave I still do some hammer chisel work just so I don't forget.you have a nice vice.clamping on lead shot?

No. The mount is filled almost to the top with spent lead shot, and motor oil. The motor oil was an attempt to keep the shot from oxidizing in place in the steel tubing, which, it did prevent, but, I’m not sure it was needed. It doesn’t matter as it would be a month of Sundays to clean it all out, at this point. It was filled with lead, and then oil through a 1” hole in the top flange, that was pipe threaded for a 1” square drive pipe plug, that rests below the surface of the top flange.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Striking the vise causes the loose shot to move, then, resettle, dampening the vibrations. Brainstorming with a few tradesman suggested either thick, viscous, oil, or shot, same as a dead blow hammer, would kill the vibrations.

I used both. Works.

My friend used a section of an oak tree that fell in his yard to mount his anvil. He squared the base, ran 1” stainless threaded rod through steel plates on either end, leaving the rods exposed an inch or two after he tightened the nuts, and banding his anvil down on both sides. He knows somebody who has a saw mill that can square a four foot diameter of oak stump. I don’t know how they even moved it.

No vibration. Truly, not anchored, but, not movable.
