Much smaller numbers than many of you. I have only bought about 30 vintage SxS since I first caught the bug and have sold about 10. Most of what I sold I consider to be learning experiences. I needed to go through the experience of buying them and owning them to clarify more clearly what I was after.

I work within a pretty strict budget so sometimes pass on things i think I want because I just spent some money on something else. C'est la vie. Usually I can't sell something fast enough to flip the money into something else if i am already looking at that something else.

So of the 10 or 11 guns i have sold, there is only one I look back on with real "sellers remorse". Not a big name known for high quality but a very pretty gun with great measurements and i loved the way it handled. Plus it was one of the first i ever bought. It was a keeper......I just didn't recognize it in time.

Last edited by canvasback; 02/12/24 01:42 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia