Over the years my guns have changed not always for the best sometimes gun fads and fashions had a hand in my choices. That said I do have two guns that are keepers to death us do part. Though here in the UK inheriting guns down the family line is rather more complicated because of the stringent gun laws we have. It was only recently that my guns where after my demise would go to Holts Auction including my two keepers. Though now they are not my youngest son decided he would like to inherit them, so he is now jumping through the government gun licencing hoops.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

This Adams holds a lot of memories all connected with my move as a young man from the City of Liverpool to a small Village in South Cheshire and the Mann who changed me from a city lad to more of a country person. The gun was his families gun that spent its whole life stored in that Violin case, for a very good reason "Poaching" and keeping a family of six fed before the Great War, and a game keepers tool to earn a honest living. So this man taught me how to understand the art of catching and shooting game on both sides of the fence.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

This gun has been with me since my teens as a reminder that you can be lucky in life sometimes and manage to have your dream in reality. It also had the effect of saving me money in the long run, just by being what it is l how could you in reality purchase better keeping me off the lets try this and that gun treadmill.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!