I’ve mentioned this to Dustin already, when I was in St. Etienne, every gunmaker I met had nothing but praise for the Petrik O/U. Every, single one of them. At that moment in my life I was trying to gather every scrap of information I could about Darne guns and history, and the Petrik wasn’t something I was terribly interested in. Toward the end of the road for Establishment Darne, under Bruchet ownership, they were producing the Petrik O/U, alongside their own O/Us, which, were about like French Winchester 101s with double triggers, from what I could see.
At the end of the road, the catalog had a single, very stout looking O/U that I did not recognize. I doubt it was built in house.

Then, they were gone.

The Petrik guns I handled in Europe were hunting implements, typically older guns with short tubes. They handled better than the Remington model 32s I had seen, that all seemed to be robust, target guns. The Tikka is the same idea, but, seem crude by comparison. At least the ones I’ve seen.
About two weeks before Dustin pulled the trigger, so to speak, on adding a Petrik O/U to his safe, I bought an O/U as well.
I’m sure Dustin will make his work very well, me, I’m just trying things to see what works.
