My Dad thought that a .22 rifle required a greater level of safety in use, because of the extended range at which it could cause harm, and so my first gun was a .410 S X S at age 8. I was allowed later, probably around the age of 12, to begin using my Grandad's Rem. Model 33 single shot .22 to try to kill those squirrels that would run to the top of the great old pines on the place. Then, I was given my first .22, a Remington Nylon 11, for Christmas when I was 14. From then on the .22 was my gun of choice for squirreling. As an adult I have had great fun hunting squirrels with my S & W K22 pistol and my Southern Mtn. style 36 cal. long rifle, taking head shots only with it.

I'm addicted to doves and ducks, but nothing takes me back to my carefree childhood days more so than wandering the woods with a .22 in hand. What wonderful days those were. The .410 S x S is gone, and the Nylon 11 was stolen from my truck, but I have Grandad's old Model 33. It is indeed a keeper.

May God bless America and those who defend her.