Originally Posted by Recoil Rob
I've been posting here since the old board in the late 1990's, I know how to do it.
I've told countless others how to do it.
There's just no reason for it anymore. Given a choice I can't imagine anyone would rather keep using a hosting service than drag and drop.

So many things in life are hard. Maintaining my house and property is often hard. Laying on cold pavement and working on my truck and car is hard. Often, my job can be physically and/or mentally hard. Raising kids can be hard. Even walking through brush and briars while hunting can be hard. If I ever won a huge Powerball jackpot, I would pay others to do some of those difficult or dirty tasks. But I still wouldn't feel the need to pay someone to post a couple pictures on DoubleGunShop.

A couple extra mouse clicks is about as close to effortless as it gets. Think of it as a physical workout where you burn about 1/4 of a calorie, and raise your cardiac rate about zero beats per minute.

But if someone who finds posting photos here too tedious would just contact Dave and offer to pay whatever it costs to host photos here, I bet he might consider it. And I'm going to go out on a limb and say there's a better chance of having MSNBC and CNN endorse Trump for President.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.