Originally Posted by SKB
Originally Posted by keith
[ my job can be physically and/or mentally hard.

I would not have described a door greeter at Walmart that way, but Okay, if you say so.

I sent you a PM(several really), have frAnk hold you tight and act as an emotional support Bear for you. It would be great if you could muster the courage to open it. I feel direct communication between us might be the best way for our relationship to prosper, see my most recent note to you.

All my best lil billie.

It would have been nice if Stevie had posted something positive here... like perhaps a suggestion that all of those who do Free Advertising of business ventures in their taglines finally pay Dave Weber the $12.00 fee for each and every sale made as a result of those Free Ads.

Then maybe Dave could use some of those funds to pay for Photo Hosting and software upgrades that people like Recoil Rob and the Nutty Professor are constantly whining about. Nevermind that the vast majority of us have no problems posting photos or other content here. What this Forum really needs is a "Safe Space and Cry Room" for Liberals and Free Advertising Freeloaders.

I have already publicly notified SKB Stevie that I won't be responding to the slew of Spam PM's he/she has been sending to me. I recently even opened several of these pathetic Spam PM's and posted them here for all to see. But Stevie continues to send more every time he/she is triggered by something I post. I'm assuming this little tantrum happened because I pointed out the totally incorrect and potentially damaging advice he/she gave to a member about removing a screw from a Dan'l Fraser 20 ga. gun in my post #642926 here:


So that pathetic bipolar meltdown behavior is obviously continuing. If he/she has anything to say to me, then he/she should do it here in the open forum so that everyone can see the depth of Liberal Left lunacy exhibited by this fruitcake.

It is also sad that SKB Stevie continues to try to impose his/her deviant lifestyle onto jOe and I. Nobody's buying it. Everyone knows who the ponytailed, Birkenstock wearing, Festivus celebrating, never married (to a female), Trump bashing Liberal here is. It must be a source of PRIDE to have all the qualifications to be a member of Joe Biden's Cabinet!

Here's a nice little flag that Stevie could use as an avatar... just to show we don't need Photo Hosting for the simple task of posting images here. I timed myself and it took a whole 16 seconds.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.