Originally Posted by ChiefAmunGum

P.S. Stanton I live fairly close, I'd take a couple deers!

Once the crops are planted we will be getting depredation permits and shooting them at night. We have to list no more than three shooters on each permit. The shooters have to work alone .... they can have no one with them to assist by driving, holding a light, etc. We, by necessity, have to use friends who live close enough to be available several nights a week, in order to be efficient.

No fun gutting and processing deer at night in the summer heat, but you're welcome to all of the dead ones you want. It's just not an easy thing to arrange. But, thanks for all the offers to help.

Originally Posted by ed good
if you are fortunate enough to have an excess of deer, then increase the competing predators in order to reduce the herd...

Are you brain dead?

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