I dont buy anything bigger than an Amazon dvd on line. I would NEVER buy a gun and have it shipped to me. I want to see items first hand. Looking at pictures of something on line doesn't prove anything. Too many scams, ID thefts and frauds going on. I would never pay my bills with checks or credit cards. Maybe a credit card if absolutely the only way. All my bills get paid with money orders from the local gas station. And I would never, ever, EVER give someone my credit card and let them take out monthly payments and let them take out whatever they want. Once you agree to do that, you are setting yourself up to be robbed. And once I use a credit card and the sale is complete, I call my bank, tell them I lost my credit card and I need a new one. That way you keep the same account but the new card will have a different number on it. And no one can use your account to buy anything. Works for me.