I'm one you can blame, I was brought up in a household that a shotgun was to.put food on the table. The only person I knew that shot a sxs was an uncle and he had no problems potting pheasants out the car window. I loved sxs's and treated them like I saw on Gunsmoke and Hop Along Casity, throw a couple of magnums in and flip the barrels up slamming it shut. I had no mentor, there was no Internet and we couldn't afford hunting magazines. It wasn't till I got in highschool, had a part time job and could afford to shoot trap that I learned about shotguns. In a lot of the rural parts of this country shot guns were tools, road between the fender and seat of the tractor(there were no cabs on tractors). If they broke stuff was fixed enough to go bang, no one cared how it looked.

After the first shot the rest are just noise.