Let it be? ? ? What is your problem ? ? .... Yes, I tagged the item with an early $123 bid on the first day, only to see how high it would go ...I had no desire to own it ... I was just curious because I collect Vintage Mausers. I had no knowledge of the lady's bid until after the fact, .... when it was too late to warn her. ...

Why on earth would you stand up for this fraudulent seller ? ? - - I see the seller just got ANOTHER NEGATIVE .... that's " 5 " NEGATIVES in the last 4 weeks, ... that's 5 NEGATIVES of 14 transactions (2 of the other 9 were B's) .... are you part of this seller's company? ... IS THAT WHY YOU ARE SO DETERMINED TO DEFEND THIS FRAUDULENT SELLER ? .......... maybe if it was your $5,641.73 you would be more understanding and see why I am warning others so they don't get taken .... go ahead Mr. Last Word.