Jon, a gentleman I know quite well teaches how to shoot sporting clays and at this one shoot the clay was launched going parallel along a tree line had to be out there 50+ yards and I asked him what the lead would be and he said 14 feet. Since you posted about 14 foot lead on ducks I wanted to know what does 14 feet equate to from the barrel to the clay or duck? Years ago when I used to skeet shoot I knew a fellow that was a Class A skeet shooter and I asked him what the lead was at No. 4 Station and he said 4 feet. I could break it but not all the time and I never remember leading it 4 feet, maybe a foot and a half from the muzzle.
I finally did break that clay at 50+ yards but it was not a bus length lead, and it was with a 3/4 oz. of # 7 1/2"s and held over a little. Like I said I don't shoot a lot and haven't shot in 4 years due to both knees replaced and now arthritis but getting back into it.

Last edited by David Williamson; 03/19/24 05:23 PM.
