Looking at the upcoming Holt's Auctions and comparing a few guns with ones in my collection I have found I have fallen for several makers without knowing it. I have several examples of W. R. Pape's, J. Blanch and Joseph Lang and see several others in the upcoming auctions that I would love to add to my collection. All box locks and hammer guns. Guess I have never become a true side lock fan and still see box lock and hammer guns as great guns to own and shoot. The interesting thing is what a high quality they put out mid grade guns they are. I have found they are very well made and a real bargain.

For less than a grand, in many cases less than $500.00, you can buy an excellent gun by one of these three, where you would be lucky to buy a worn out major name maker's gun for less than a grand, several grand to be honest. I know most makers could make a gun to suit every buyer request, to what ever they were willing to pay for. My three favorites all seem to give quality on a fairly consistent basis and with better engraving than I expected. I wish I had not wasted so much time lusting for one of the big three names. I missed a lot of great values I am sure. Do you have a lesser known maker favorite like Dougall, Powell or Boswell? Who are your lesser known favorites.