Originally Posted by SKB
....I'm not so sure the issues in Denver are much different from others cities the same size though....
My thought about Denver came from it being very different, from places like Chicago, NY, LA, Seattle, and on and on. But, I perceive it to be on an accelerated slide. It's not too late in my mind, but as the thread subject matter goes, votes have far reaching consequences that aren't a reasonable facsimile of common ground.

By the way, my kiddo did the commute thing from up in the Evergreen area, as well as lived in one of those fancy high rises in the tech park. It's simply that they noticed trends being what they are. Even when I sort of liked Denver, best view was always the skyline in the rearview mirror. I like the Springs a bit better overall, but a mexdruggangbanger rolled a shot body out of their car to die at a gas station, maybe a half mile from a different kiddo. But hey, ifjared builds it, they will predictably come, right? Keep rolling, trucking and may the Stones be around in June.