When Diggory published that Cashmore article on his website I contacted him and sent him pictures of the hammergun. He gave me the address of a Cashmore collector he knows in OZ. Because the guy does not have a computer or cell phone I wrote him a letter describing my gun, along with a few pictures. A few months later I received in the mail a large packet of pictures and a lengthy letter from this guy talking about his Cashmores. He has several of the Nitro models with the external bolting system. Great guy who actively collects Cashmore guns, that are, apparently, fairly easy to come by Down Under.

At the time I spoke with Diggory he had just sold a 32” 20 gauge Cashmore hammergun he had bought at auction several years prior. He said he thought it may have been made as a pigeon gun, but he never shot it that well so down the road it went to someone who wanted it more than he.