I picked up on your comment about only being able to stand at the mill for an hour. If neuropathy is involved, my advice is if you have to stay in a hospital for more than overnight take your neuropathy meds and insist they give them to you.They will resist and claim they can only give meds from their pharmacy, and they may not have what you need. If you are put on "nothing by mouth", as soon as you move to a liquid diet, insist on the meds. If necessary, have a family member run the doctor down and insist on them. They will insist that they are too busy keeping you alive and I agree that is important, but if you make them understand the importance they are smart enough to mitigate additional loss of use of your legs. This is especially important if you have to go to 'rehab" because it takes a long time and there is no medical reason you can't have the meds (it may only be your doctor isn't in the system). Whatever you lose, you can't get back. Don't ask how I know; I would be happy if I could stand an hour.