Originally Posted by canvasback
New goods imported typically must have a country of origin tag or label on them.

In a truly honest world this would be very true. BUT!!! import and export rules are made by Politicians and big business in the EU and Britain so there are more loop holes than a Victorian ladies corset so a label only needs to have the country of origin NOT THE COUNTRY OF MANUFACTURE with me so far? Now the slight of hand trick, an item made or manufactured in lets say China then exported to a holding Free Port country for example only Australia then exported again to lets say Germany then imported to the UK so as far as the goods are concerned the last country of origin as far as Britain is concerned it is Germany. So the now you see me now you don't SO as far as Germany is concerned it came from Australia and as for Britain it came from Germany and the made in China label is disappeared if it had one in the first place though usually not. The end game is that the Country of manufacture can slip quietly into the background. An example on this is on e-bay is Chinese import and export companies have offices in Germany and advertise as UK seller. This is only a simple version of how the whole thing works.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!