Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
Originally Posted by Ted Schefelbein
Originally Posted by BrentD, Prof
Originally Posted by Ted Schefelbein
Wouldn’t know. I never shot it, as it was cast a mile off. Cleaned it, sold it, but, not to you, remember?

Seem to think an actual English gunmaker offered you some advice, but, you knew better than him.

Just like always.


What english gunsmith advice was that?

That would be Graham, an English gunmaker who posts as “gunman”, who gave you a huge clue, based on a life long career as an English gunmaker, that you discounted and ignored. Because, you, are you.

This post:


Not surprised at all you don’t remember.


I'm not sure what that has to do with that Darne that you used to own and that I bought on your advice. I thought you might be referring to JJ Perodeau, who told me that it is quite common for Darnes to be poorly or simply unregulated. Sadly, I did not speak to him until after I bought it. I did listen to you prior to buying it, however, since you had owned that particular gun. That proved to be a somewhat costly mistake.

How so?

It was an R10, in really decent condition. You didn't pay an arm or a leg for it, well below $2K would be my guess. I'd also guess it sold for a bit less than what you paid for it, but, not what most people would consider "costly".

Did you give it to somebody?
