Originally Posted by Jimmy W
I happen to accidentally go back to some of the posts I started and found this thread. It sure is hilarious. You guys might want to reread it just for the fun of it.

Nothing here is nearly as hilarious as seeing leading Democrats and the Liberal Media in full blown panic after seeing the dismal performance of your anti-gun Democrat Joe Biden in the Debate that his campaign wanted.

They are calling it Disastrous, a Train Wreck, a Dumpster Fire, and even ardent supporters like Morning Joe Scarborough of MSNBC are saying Biden should step down... after lying to all of us and claiming he is smarter and better than ever.

Democrats and the Media own this. They made their bed by lying to gullible fools like you, and you believe them. How can they get rid of him now, and also sidestep Kamala, after all of the Primaries are over, and all of the state filing deadlines are past? Besides, he is too much of a narcissist to believe that he is senile. And he actually believes he does a great job, though he was incompetent even when he was at his best. His family may also understand that if he steps aside, they may all be open to investigations of their corruption. Even after 8 days of intensive debate prep, this was the best he could do. Imagine how badly he would collapse under the pressure of having to respond in minutes to an attack on our country.

Trump trounced your guy, but he could have done better. I was sorry to see him ramble about golf, and spend too much time going off-topic and going back to respond to bullshit. But Biden showed us he was far dirtier than Trump ever was with personal attacks by accusing him of sleeping with a porn star, and having the morals of an alley cat. Even anti-Trumper John Bolton is man enough to admit Biden's lie about calling dead Veterans suckers and losers never happened, and he was there. Biden was the guy the media said would be kind, decent, and above that mean nasty stuff which they said made Trump unfit as President. I wish Trump would have fired back by asking him about the rape allegations of Tara Reade, and about the entries in Ashley Biden's diary where she wrote about being sexualized at an early age, and wondered if that had anything to do with taking showers with her Dad at an inappropriate age. Here's a great video for you to enjoy Jimmy... even though you are IGNORING me!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.