I was trying to find the thread of how to post pictures for Russell, when I ran across it. I didn't really remember starting it. I found it really interesting. And serious. And humorous. But it does bring back some memories, that is for sure. Some of the issues of today are similar to the ones back then. John McCain's health compared to people's opinion of Biden's age. A woman running for vice president then and today. I really admired John McCain and what a great person he was. I remember how a woman started screaming at him saying what a horrible person Barrack Obama was. And his reply was, "No ma'am. He's a good man." (Or something to that affect) People like that today wouldn't say something that nice about their opponent. I ended up feeling sorry for Sarah Palin, too. And I miss some of the guys who have gone, too.

Last edited by Jimmy W; 06/30/24 01:17 PM.