Originally Posted by SKB
Originally Posted by craigd
I miss James M., italian sxs.

Me too. Boy did he get worked up when I began to refer to him as Monkey Jim. Thanks for the memory Craig wink

By the way, I looked for you over on the Right side of the thingy and asked every guy I saw wearing a red cap if they might be you but no luck. So close, and yet so far.

Ripping show.....hard to believe those guys are still rocking like that.

Wow, this is a keeper!

What a startling and revealing admission this is from Stevie! Especially after the innocent act, and after proclaiming to Dave Weber and everyone else that he/she was above the fray, and only wanted civility and harmonious double gun discussions here.

All of that pious pontificating... and the well timed little donations to silence the opposition... was nothing but lies... As if anyone paying attention didn't already know it was a lie.

Thanks to Moderation, Dave Weber will read this and further understand the innocent act was nothing but lies.

Of course Stevie repeatedly referred to James M (Italian sxs) as Monkey Jim, and many other unflattering things, because they were light years apart on politics. Jim was a staunch defender of our 2nd Amendment Rights and other Conservative values. He spent a lot of time informing gun owners here of attacks on our Gun Rights. And Stevie was a flaming Liberal who frequently bashed pro-gun Republicans, and disrupted pro-Gun Rights Threads like any good little anti-gun Troll would do. And that is a big reason that Gun Rights discussions frequently devolved into shit-storms... That includes Dave Weber's own 2nd Amendment Informational Thread, which he had pinned to the top of the Main Double Gun Forum. Thanks to a small minority who couldn't stand to see any notifications of what their favored anti-Gun Democrats were doing to infringe upon that Constitutional Right, Dave's 2nd Amendment Thread is long gone.

Stevie frequently engaged in the same slimy name calling and personal attacks with Jim and anyone else who confronted his/her obvious support of anti-gun Democrats and denigration of pro-Gun Rights Conservatives. And it is equally revealing that Stevie was joined in those same behaviors by like-minded Liberals... many of whom preached that such behavior would drive people away, and be the death of this forum. None of them cared about driving away Jim and many others who felt the same about Gun Rights and Conservative values.

It all goes to show that we should not believe what Liberal Democrats and closet Liberal Democrats who call themselves "Independent Moderates" say to us. Instead, we should pay attention to what they do.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.