I don't really follow British gun auctions and sales that closely. From what I read here, sometimes there are bargain basement prices, until you factor in the importation costs. And in other sales, many are selling above the estimate.

What I'm wondering is if it is just prices of doubles that are generally depressed, or if prices are dropping across the board for other types of firearms. If I'm not mistaken, prices of pumps are at near giveaway levels. If that is true, then it would seem the problem is restrictive gun laws in Great Britain that are driving down prices, and driving away buyers.

For gun owners, the end is always near if anti-gun Democrats are elected. Those of us who have the brains to reserve our vote for those who will preserve our gun rights... have a cure for that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.